Rolling Mill Drives & Automation

At SMS, we offer next-generation rolling mill drives and automation solutions to improve process stability, minimize downtime and maintain a consistently high-quality product. We have a highly sophisticated team accompanied by a combination of industry knowledge to ensure our solutions increase mill productivity, enhance products at minimum costs. We can help you by proposing the best combination of equipment to upgrade your rolling mill.

Why Choose Us for Rolling Mill Automation & Drives

Our professionals come with decades of industry experience. They have the ability to revamp the entire roll mill on multiple phases, shift CAPEX to OPEX, maintain a lean balance sheet, reuse your current control equipment to optimize project costs. You can roll your products easily, combine advanced technologies, produce a wide range of steel grades, shapes, and dimensions, and diminish manual operator inputs to ensure reliable rolling.


Cascade Control

It is a way of control that combines two feedback loops. It uses R-factor (reducting concept) for calculating the mill cascade speed reference. This allows ensuring minimum material stress between the stands, fundamental and simplifies the setup and operator control.


Impact Speed Drop Compensation With this

  • You can speed up the stand during head treading
  • Reduce the speed when material impacts the rolls

Tension / Loop and Shear Control

This allows you to decrease the material stress with the mill to reduce dimensional and metallurgical defects. Moreover, our experts help by implementing control configurations on different platforms to prevent any problems when the bar enters the stand.


Automatic Cobble Detection

We are also equipped with automatic cobble detection which enables operators to react faster to unexpected events and continuously track the bar. If a cobble occurs, the system automatically reduces the effects; commands the upstream shears for chopping existing bars, and block the furnace from sending another billet.


Laying Head Control

Our professionals ensure position the laying head correctly and synchronized with the bar front end and ensure it always leaves the correction position. It leads to eliminating snagging and colling conveyer.


Our Team of Rolling Mill Drives & Automation

Our team for Rolling mill drives & automation has deep knowledge and experience with the OEM automation platform. We have the flexibility to work with different brands, iterate easily. What else? We are committed to using standard, non-proprietary hardware in all our systems and ensuring multi-sourced, long-term service, and enhancement capabilities, which protect your investment

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